Anton Alexander Dress Shirts for Hanukkah are 100% made in the USA. In the last couple of years we have had many requests for custom designer dress shirts and in this time frame we started to receive a few requests for custom Jewish themed designer dress shirts. Each year we had more and more requests so we decided to launch the world’s first Dress Shirts perfect for any celebration! Furthermore they are all made in one business day and in America. We decided to survey our customers for their favorite colors and ideals and with that knowledge we crafted what we think are the 2 best options for design.

Dress Shirts for Hanukkah

White Dress Shirts for Hanukkah

These shirts are made with white Italian herringbone cotton with a Jewish themed accent fabric. They are designed with contrast colored purl stitched buttonholes and double buttons with a brushed nickel ring. Click here to go to this product page.

Dress Shirts for Hanukkah

Blue Dress Shirts for Hanukkah

These shirts are made with blue Italian supremo cotton with a Jewish themed accent fabric. They are designed with contrast colored purl stitched buttonholes and double buttons with a gold ring. Click here to go to this product page.